Select as you wish: with just a few clicks, you can analyze your target market without restrictions and optimize it for different scenarios. Profondia provides you with the relevant business addresses in a very high quality.
We continuously update the company information of over 13’700 companies with more than 30 employees and more than 10 PC workstations. With us you get the contact information which also have a relevant sales potential for your offer. That is why we are known for up-to-date company addresses with real business potential. What makes Profondia's data unique? Quality and timeliness. For more than 30 years, our in-house research team has been collecting and checking data twice a year in direct contact with the companies concerned.
All data processing takes place in Switzerland and all our employees work at our locations in Basel and Schlieren, ensuring legal compliance in accordance with the DSG and DSGVO. We do not use web crawling which is highly inaccurate; we also do not web crawling missing information by using any algorithms. This ensures our customers receive high quality data optimised for their needs.
In our webshop you have the possibility to define your target group according to your needs and to download the company addresses and relevant B2B marketing data directly as an Excel file.
We will be glad to advise you
If you have any questions or would like us to help you define your target group, please do not hesitate to contact us on 044 701 81 14.